
Monday, 4 March 2013

Ghana's Election wahala

Ghana's Election last year was what I would call a scene from  a favourite Telenovella or soap series. Many 'buhaha' came out. First was the wahala on the creation of 45 new constituencies, then there was the Ayariga cough and 'yes we cant' or is it 'yes we wont'? Anyway this was followed by the flag bearer of PPP, Papa Kwesi Nduom  submitting his tax document in a News conference in Accra 48 hours to election.

Now the new episode of this soap opera is the contesting of the elections by the opposition NPP in the Supreme Court of Ghana. This has resulted in mixed feelings from the Ghanaian populations. My thoughts are what are the State Security doing to ensure that peace is maintained in the country irrespective of the decision of the court. What are state bodies like the NCCE doing to educate the public about what the court process means for our democracy and the responsibility of Ghanaians to restrain themselves from doing things that would threaten the peace and stability of our country. Recently the was the rally by a group made certain statements though in itself probably innocent alludes to certain things especially certain happenings in our history which was uncalled for. 

I believe it is well within the right of the NPP to contest the legitimacy of the elections (eg. not the president) in court. I also believe we must all remain calm, sit down, cross our legs and fingers  sip some wine  or gulp it whichever way and wait for the outcome of the court's decision.

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